Monday, August 17, 2009

Amazon Prime

So, I signed up for the Amazon Prime free trial several months ago, and it was great. My sister-in-law uses it and LOVES it. She even buys diapers and groceries from it. Here is what she says about Amazon Prime:

"I think it is worth it for me because I have twins. Also because I don't like going in a store with 5 kids. It makes you feel like everyone is staring at you (I think they really are!). I also like that I know exactly when it will show up at the door. Because it is so predictable, you can even have something shipped to another house you know you will be at. It takes 2 business days.

I think it was $75 for a year. You only get free shipping on things that are shipped by amazon, but that is a lot of stuff. My most recent purchases included:
  • Signing times video for the twins
  • American Girl DVD for a 7 year old girl birthday party
  • horse stamp set for a 10 year old girl birthday party
  • pack and play that I ordered on Thursday and paid $4 to have 1 day shipping and received it the next day at Grandma's house in time for a sleepover
  • baby organic banana puffs and organic jar baby food
  • clif organic fruit twist for the kids. One of my new favorites that I need to blog about"

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